
avatar for Xplorstem


Looking for a fun and engaging way to teach scientific concepts to your students? Try gamified science! Instead of just doing science demonstrations off the internet that only engage students for a few minutes, use games and contests to teach scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way.
Our presentation is perfect for after-school programs and homeschool co-op meetings, providing students with a hands-on learning experience that they'll never forget. In our program, students learn about the science behind battery trains, volcanoes, bubbles, and crystal towers, and then use that knowledge t... Read more
Company XplorStem LLC
Position President
Location San Diego, California


avatar for LIFE is Good Unschooling Conference

LIFE is Good Unschooling Conference

The LIFE is Good Conference invites you to join us and experience an unschooling community first hand. You’ll have an opportunity to make new friends, deepen existing friendships, form connections and find the piece that just may be missing from your unschooling journey– a strong, supportive and vibrant group of families to share it with.
There won’t be talk of curriculum or worksheets, but there will be plenty of sharing of information, support and resources. You will be able to ask questions and get ideas from experienced unschoolers. Best of all, you will be surrounded by free families... Read more


avatar for Erika Davis-Pitre

Erika Davis-Pitre

Erika Davis-Pitre and her husband Michael have 4 children - one adult daughter and three adult sons. They also have two sons-in-law, two daughters-in-law and two grandsons.
She and her husband have recently moved back to San Francisco full-time after living in Connecticut for more than a decade.
They have been unschooling for many years and love it, so Erika is always looking for opportunities to share their unschooling joy with others.
Erika has spoken at many un/homeschooling conferences, led quite a few funshops/workshops and has hosted and participated in many round table discussions about un... Read more
Company GameSchoolCon Maven
Position Speaker/Owner
Location gameschoolcon@gmail.com


avatar for Erika Davis-Pitre

Erika Davis-Pitre

Erika loves conferences so much, she decided to purchase one of her favorites. And when she's not speaking and attending conferences around the globe, she's home with her hubby living in one of her favorite cities.
Company Fun and Games Enterprises
Position owner
Location Planet Earth


avatar for Addie Gonzales

Addie Gonzales

Position Active Games Coordinator


avatar for Meg Grooms

Meg Grooms

Meg Grooms is a long-time homeschooling mother of 6 children, ranging in age from preschool to married with kids of their own. Always a vagabond at heart, Meg and her family have embraced a slow travel lifestyle and currently call Southern California home. Your guess is as good as hers as to where they’ll end up next. Meg blogs about secular homeschooling and gameschooling at Homeschool Gameschool.
Company Gameschool Academy


avatar for Iggy Jingles

Iggy Jingles

Company Robyn Coburn Resume Review
Position Owner
Location Los Angeles, California


avatar for Kristin Morse

Kristin Morse

Kristin Morse is a homeschooling mother who also happens to run Recess Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching environments for child directed free play. She holds a master’s degree in education and in the study of play. Her mission is to help adults see the value in children’s intrinsic motivations and to understand the importance of creating time, space and rule structures to support free play. You may have experienced Recess Revolution recently at OC Fairgrounds Imaginology event or the Pomona Fairplex’s STEAM Fair.
Company Recess Revolution
Location kristin@recessrevolution.org

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